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My Bucket List…what’s on yours?

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1. See all seven wonders of the world (My own personal list–culled from various “wonder” sources)

* Great Pyramid of Giza

* Great Wall Of China

* Stonehenge

* Colosseum

* Taj Mahal

* Grand Canyon

* The Great Barrier Reef

2. Learn a new language

3. Try out a new profession in a different field

4. Achieve your ideal weight

5. Run a marathon (Half Way there– Did a half-marathon walking in 2009)

6. Take part in a triathlon

8. Go skiing 329

9. Learn horseback riding

10. Be a mentor to someone

11. Do an extreme sport – Bungee jump

12. Climb a mountain — DONE! Mt. Major in Alton, NH. 248

13. Fly in a hot-air balloon across the country

14. Offer your service to a humanitarian cause

15. Experience a sunset – DONE Sunsets over Lake Winnipasaukee

16. Experience a sunrise

17. See the Northern Lights — DONE! Iceland 2005

18. Witness a solar eclipse

19. Go stargazing — DONE New Hampshire 2010

20. Plant a tree and watch it grow

21. Write a letter to at least 3 of your closest friends to let them know how much they mean to you

22. Throw a mega party

23. Go on a blind date!

24. Take up dancing: Salsa, Line dance, Tap dance, Tango, Ballroom dancing, etc

25. Learn a martial art — In Progress (Muy Thai Kickboxing)

26. Go on a road trip

27. Go backpacking across at least 10 locations

28. Pack your bags and set off for a random location with no itinerary planned at all

29. Go swimming with dolphins

30. Live in a different country for at least 6 months — Done several times over (Germany, Iceland)

31. Get featured on TV/radio/print/newspapers for an achievement you are proud of (accomplished in Work Newsletter for entire company 2009)

32. Knit a scarf

33. Go deep into the heart of Mother Nature. Go trekking in a rainforest; Camp out in the wilds; Walk in a valley; Visit a waterfall; Swim in an ocean; Walk in a valley

34. Read a book on a subject you’d never have thought of reading

35. Volunteer at a hospice

36. Fly a kite

37. Fall asleep on grassy plains

38. Conquer your biggest fear

39. Go snorkeling and experience marine life up close

40. Start a social movement on a cause you believe in

41. Watch cherry blossoms in Japan

42. Get closure on all your hurt, grievances and unhappiness of the past

43. Bury the hatchet with all the enemies / people you had conflict with in the past or now

44. Fly first class

45. Hit bullseye on a dartboard

46. Visit a volcano —

47. Fly in a helicopter

48. Have dinner with someone you had only dreamed of meeting

49. Go on a cruise in the sea

50. Fall in love 🙂

51. Get on a romantic getaway

52. Visit a castle in England

53. Help someone in need

54. Learn sign language

55. See the Mona Lisa in Louvre (Paris)

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